The Producer 

梁榮駿 Alvin Leong 為本地資深音樂製作人 ,投身唱片行業數十年,經驗豐富。他曾任職唱片公司國際推廣部,A&R經理及唱片製作事務,並負責監製及唱片製作工作,曾成功打造多位天皇天后包括王菲及張國榮。在音樂行業內打滾多年,Alvin清楚認識其運作模式。從此晉身為獨立製作人的第一人。 Alvin與王菲合作無間,並共同成立音樂製作公司,攜手繼續追求音樂理想。與此同時,Alvin再度替天皇巨星張國榮合作,製作重返樂壇大碟及成為製作公司合作伙伴。 踏入千禧年代,Alvin再接再厲,與樂壇接力巨星陳奕迅一拍即合,製作大碟U87 作品如 “浮誇”及 “葡萄成熟時” 等,叫好叫座。其後合作作品如 “富士山下","陀飛輪"  及 “一絲不掛”更令其事業再創高峯。同年更憑"富士山下"國語版,"愛情轉移",成為國內大熱之作。 同期,Alvin更製作張敬軒 “酷愛”大碟,大受好砰,令其於樂壇上站上重要位置。其他曾與Alvin  合作的歌手     


1993 叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮──叱咤樂壇監製大獎 

1994 叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮──叱咤樂壇監製大獎 

1994 香港電台唱片監製大獎 Faye Wong《胡思亂想》 

1999 叱咤樂壇至尊歌曲大獎張國榮《左右手》

2000 TVB*四台聯頒音樂大獎 Leslie Cheung 張國榮 《Untitled》 

2001 CASH金帆音樂獎最佳歌曲Best Song of the Year王菲《給自己的情書》 

2005 明報周刊演藝動力大獎監製獎 Eason Chan 《U87》

2005 叱吒樂壇至尊唱片大獎監製 Eason Chan 《U87》 

2005 四台聯頒音樂大獎  監製獎  Eason Chan 《U87》。

2007  叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮──叱咤樂壇至尊歌曲大獎《酷愛》 

2007 叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮──叱咤樂壇我最喜愛的歌曲大獎《酷愛》

2007  CASH金帆音樂頒獎禮最佳歌曲大獎監製大獎《富士山下》 

2007 第30屆十大中文金曲 - 全球華人至尊金曲《富士山下》 

2008  TVB Eason Chan 《富士山下》 監製大獎

2009 容祖兒  十大勁歌金曲 - 十大金曲金奬  《搜神記》《 可歌可泣》《雙冠軍》   2009新城勁爆頒獎禮 - 勁爆歌曲《年度之歌》 

2010 叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮── 叱咤樂壇至尊唱片大獎監製《Time  Files》

2010 叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮──叱咤樂壇我最喜愛的歌曲大獎 監製《陀飛輪》

2010 新城勁爆監製大獎《一絲不掛》 

2010 新城全球勁爆歌曲《一絲不掛》

            CASH 金帆獎2010 - 最佳歌曲大獎:(第一次出現雙贏作品):

           陳奕迅 - 《一絲不掛》 及 《陀飛輪》

2010  明報周刋演藝動力大獎: 最突出唱片大獎 -陳奕迅 《Time  Flies》

2011 新城勁爆監製大獎《'我本人'-吳雨霏》

2012 新城歌曲監製獎 '人非草木 Kary Ng 吳雨霏'

2013 新城勁爆監製大獎《任我行》  

          叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮──叱咤樂壇至尊歌曲大獎 &

         叱咤樂壇我最喜愛的歌曲大獎陳奕迅 Eason Chan  監製獎《任我行》 

2023 CASH Golden Sail Award「第21屆CASH金帆音樂獎」KOLOR <52赫茲 > 獲得 CASH最佳歌曲大獎 : KOLOR /Alvin Leong  最佳歌詞: 林夕                                 最佳編曲:  KOLOR /JIMI3 

Alvin Leong, a music producer veteran produced best selling artists notably, the iconic legends the late Leslie Cheung and Faye Wong.

He began his career in an international record company promotions responsible for releases such as Madonna, U2, Phil Collins, Prince. Then held a position as the A&R manager his signings consists an unknown singer called Faye Wong. The rest is  history. He eventually branch out to form his own production company with Faye Wong producing her albums along with many others.  
In 1996 the late superstar Leslie Cheung came out of retirement to re-team with Alvin successfully producing his breakthrough comeback album ‘Red’ generating many more albums grossing platinum sales.

He served as executive producer and produced the most anticipated with Universal Music Hong Kong first signing of Eason Chan’s on his highly acclaimed 2005 titled ‘U87’ and 2006 ‘What’s Going on?’ album. In 2007 he produced another Universal artist - Hins Cheung best selling album garnered numerous awards for the song ‘Cool Love’ that launched the singer/songwriter into the mass market status. For more info of his production credits click here

Achievement Awards
1993  Commercial Radio Ultimate Awards Producer of the Year 
1994  Commercial Radio Ultimate Awards Producer of the Year
1994  RTHK Best Album Producer  Faye Wong ‘Random Thoughts’
1999  Commercial Radio Ultimate Song of the Year  Leslie Cheung ‘Left Right Hand’
2000  TVB Best Album of the Year Leslie Cheung ‘Untitled’
2001  C.A.S.H. Golden Sails Award  Best Song of the Year Faye Wong ‘Love Letter’
2005  Ming Pao Magazine Most Outstanding Album Producer  Eason Chan ‘U87’
2005 Commercial Radio Best Album  Eason Chan ‘U87’
2005  Commercial Radio,TVB,RTHK, Metro Radio Joint Award  - Best Album Producer  Eason Chan ‘U87’
2007  Commercial Radio Ultimate Awards won 2 Producer Awards for Best Song and Most Favorite Song Cheung ‘Cool love’
          C.A.S.H. Golden Sails Award  Best Song of the Year Eason Chan ‘Mount Fuji’
          RTHK Best Song of the Year Eason Chan ‘Mount Fuji’
2008  TVB Eason Chan ‘Mount Fuji’ Producer Award
2010  Commercial Radio Ultimate Awards── Best Album of the Year for Eason Chan 'Time  Flies'
2010 Commercial Radio Ultimate Awards── Most Favorite Song of the Year 'Tourbillon'
2010  Metro Radio Eason Chan 'Silk Love' Producer Award
          CASH Golden Sails Award 2010 - Best Song:First time awarded two songs and for the same producer) - Eason Chan 'Silk Love'  and  'Tourbillon'
2010  Ming Pao Magazine Most Outstanding Album Producer  Eason Chan Eason
         Eason Chan 'Time  Flies'
2011  Metro Radio Producer Award Kary Ng 'I Am'
2013  Commercial Radio Ultimate Awards won 2 Producer awards for Best Song and Most Favorite  Song  Eason Chan ‘The Wanderer’   
          Metro Radio Producer Award Eason Chan ‘The Wanderer’
2023 CASH Golden Sail Award 21st KOLOR <52赫茲 > CASH Best Song : KOLOR /Alvin Leong  Best lyrics: Lin Xi  Best arrangement :KOLOR /JIMI3  

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