搜神記  (I)

This arrangement was amended so many times (一絲不掛 may have broken the record for the most various versions) yet this version was not the final except that it was close to a Mandolin should sound in the intro and not a Chinese instrument as some people think. Achieving a hit song goes thru alot of decisions making by the producer.


搜神記 (II)

Here is another one of many early arrangements on JY 搜神記, an example is the the intro . The Mandolin is the leading instrument although the piano played beautifully I felt that it was overlapping it therefore, did not make it to the finalized version.



This version was meant to use for Joey right on the day to record her vocals. It is quite obvious from the vintage piano, loop and the claps that it was heading for an R&B sound. I decided in the very last minute not to go that direction, in perspective, it could have worked either with this style or the final.


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